My Circadian Clock App
user experience  |  graphic design  |  information architecture  |  mobile app
My Circadian Clock is a mobile app developed by Dr. Satchidananda Panda and researchers at the Salk Institute to expand their research of circadian rhythms to human subjects. The app tracks how and when users sleep, eat, and exercise.
While a rudimentary app existed to collect human subjects' data, the research team wanted to redesign the experience to be more consumer-facing, user-friendly, and behavior-changing.
This presented particular design challenges. My Circadian Clock is ultimately a research app-it was developed to generate real-word data on people and their circadian rhythms. But it was also developed to encourage users to adopt specific research-backed changes in their habits and lifestyles.
The design must consider a host of different stakeholders, including scientists, data subjects, voluntary users, previous developers, and Salk Institute leadership. I worked closely with Dr. Panda to incorporate all of these considerations—improving the user experience while maintaining the scientific methodologies, infrastructure, and capabilities already present in the app. Updates are ongoing.